Organized Downsizing

Follow these 5 Steps for an Organized Downsizing Process

1. Start Early and Plan Strategically
Begin the downsizing process well in advance of your move. Moving can be stressful and overwhelming to say to say the least.   Creating a detailed plan, outlining the timeline, tasks and goals for each stage will help keep the stresses of the move to a minimum. Making sure to start early also allows for a more relaxed and thoughtful approach to decision-making.

2. Prioritize Sentimental Items
While downsizing involves letting go of some possessions, prioritize sentimental items that hold special meaning. Consider gifting family heirlooms to loved ones or incorporating them into your new homes décor. Finding someone within your community to gift possessions could also make the downsizing process a little easier. Knowing someone that could really use your items or has the same appreciation for the items may give you some happiness that they are going to a good home.

3. Measure and Plan for Space
Before making decisions about furniture and belongings, measure the available space in your new home. This ensures that you only bring items that comfortably fit.  This will also help to keep the movers organized and efficient as you already know where everything is going to be placed.

4. Focus on what you are Taking
Sometimes we can get overwhelmed with what we are not taking as opposed to concentrating on what we are taking. Remember, the first step in the downsizing process is identifying what you want. Step 2 focuses on dealing with the items you don’t want. Focus on setting personal belongings aside in a designated room when you have made the decision to keep them.

5. Seek Professional Assistance
Consider hiring professional organizers, movers, or downsizing specialists. Their expertise can streamline the process and alleviate stress, making the transition smoother for you and your loved ones.

organize your downsize
moving, packing and dowsizing
prep to sell home