How to start de-cluttering


Are you wanting to de-clutter your home but don’t know where to start?  I am here to help you.

De-cluttering can be overwhelming, emotional and stressful.  When taking on this task try to concentrate on each room separately.  It will help to control the overwhelming feeling of a BIG job.  Below I have listed several things to de-clutter to get you started.  They are an easy way to start the process and will instantly make you feel better and accomplished!

Items to De-Clutter:

  • old magazines
  • burnt out candles
  • old books
  • games with missing pieces
  • old nail polish
  • socks with holes
  • socks with no match
  • worn out blankets
  • worn out shoes
  • take out menus
  • expired food
  • restaurant sauce packs
  • old coupons
  • old prescriptions
  • old mail
  • old manuals
  • old receipts
  • birthday cards
  • rags with holes

These are just a few things to get you started in your home.  The more you de-clutter the better you will feel.  It is always so tough to start this job but when you finish you will feel so good about what you accomplished.  Good Luck!